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TeamViewer 5.0.7572 Portable

Главная » Файлы » Скачать софт, программы » Скачать Интернет » Скачать TeamViewer 5.0.7572 Portable

TeamViewer - программа для удалённого управления компьютером. Главной особенностью является то, что не нужно внешнего IP, нужно лишь 2 ID в системе TeamViewer. Эта программа работает через интернет, в не зависимости в какой ты стране находишься.

One solution for everything
While most competitors offer different packages for remote support, remote administration, training and sales (and also charge for them...) TeamViewer is the one-stop solution for everything you need: TeamViewer includes all modules in one simple and very affordable package.

Remote administration of unattended servers
TeamViewer can also be used to control unattended computers and servers. Installation as a system service even allows remote reboot and reconnect.

File transfer
TeamViewer comes with integrated file transfer that allows you to copy files and folders from and to a remote partner - which also works behind firewalls

Highest security standard
TeamViewer is a very secure solution. All versions feature completely secure data channels with key exchange and AES (256 Bit) session encoding, the same security standard used by https/SSL.

No installation required
To install TeamViewer no admin rights are required. Just run the software and off you go...

High performance with international router network
Optimized for connections over LANs AND the Internet, TeamViewer features automatic bandwidth-based quality selection for optimized use on any connection.
TeamViewer uses an extended international server network with server locations in many countries all over the world, so no matter where you are located we will make sure that a high-security, high-performance router near your home destination will ensure great performance.

Remote support without installation
With TeamViewer you can remotely control any PC anywhere on the Internet. No installation is required, just run the application on both sides and connect - even through tight firewalls.

Remote presentation of products, solutions and services
The second TeamViewer mode allows you to present your desktop to a partner. Show your demos, products and presentations over the Internet within seconds - live from your screen.

Works behind firewalls
The major difficulties in using remote control software are firewalls and blocked ports, as well as NAT routing for local IP addresses.
If you use TeamViewer you don't have to worry about firewalls: TeamViewer will find a route to your partner.

Flexible use for a variety of applications
TeamViewer lets you connect to your partners in many different ways: You can either view or control your partner's desktop in order to do online-support; You can transmit your screen to your partners for presentation purposes - You may even change directions during a session for high fidelity teamwork!

Very competitively priced, free versions available
TeamViewer offers a lot of value for low prices, there even is a free version for non-commercial use available.

Год выпуска: 2009
О.С: windows all
Активация: не требуется
Язык: английский
Размер: 5,7 mb
Разработчик: teamviewer.com

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