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Stream-Cloner v 1.40 Build 204

Главная » Файлы » Скачать софт, программы » Скачать Интернет » Скачать Stream-Cloner v 1.40 Build 204

Stream-Cloner - мощный загрузчик, созданный по системе "всё в одном", который позволяет скачивать с высокой скоростью телепередачи, онлайн-фильмы, осуществлять захват потокового видео и аудио из сети Интернет. Скачанные фильмы и захваченное потоковое видео и/или аудио можно конвертировать в различные форматы для просмотра на разных медиа-устройствах или на Вашем ПК. Видео и аудио можно также редактировать, настраивать параметры видео и/или аудио файлов, использовать "горячие клавиши".

OpenCloner Stream-Cloner is an all-in-one leading stream downloader with powerful functions and fast speed. It allows you to download online movies, TV shows, flash and capture streaming video/audio whenever you want from the Internet. With Stream-Cloner, the downloaded online movies and captured streaming video/audio can be converted to various video and audio formats for freely enjoying on various media devices in fashion.
The downloaded online movies and captured streaming video/audio can be saved and played back directly on your PC. The captured streaming video/audio is allowed to be edited according to individual preferences such as setting the parameters of video and audio files as well as the hot keys. With this easy-to-use tool, even a novice can accomplish the desired streaming video download and capture by using the Express interface with only one click.

• Downloads your favorite online movies, streaming video, online flash and interactive VOD, and captures anything playing on the webpage.
• Captures anything playing on your PC.
• Converts your downloaded online movies and captured streaming video/audio to various formats for watching on popular media devices such as iPod, iPhone, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPad, iPad 2, Tablet PC, PSP, PS3, Zune, Mobile Phone, GPhone, Smart Phone, XBOX360, etc.
• Converts and plays multiple tasks simultaneously.
• Plays the downloaded online movies and captured streaming video/audio saved on PC directly.
• Quickly runs the program anytime by right-clicking on the webpage where your fancy video is played back as long as you have selected "Add items to the Internet Explorer menu" when installing Stream-Cloner.
• Two user-oriented interfaces: the Express interface is usually for novices to download and capture streaming video with only one click, and the Main interface is for advanced users to customize their downloaded and captured streaming video according to their personal preferences.
• Supports various popular browsers including IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, etc.
• Supports various video websites such as Youtube, IMDB, Blip.tv, Vimeo, Video.google, Movieweb, Video.yahoo, etc for download.
• Supports all video websites including Netflix, iTunes, Redbox, etc for capture.
• Begins the unfinished task(s) when Stream-Cloner starts.
• Keeps the window to be captured topmost while capturing.

Год выхода: 2012
Версия: v1.40 Build 204
Платформа: Windows XP/Vista/7
Язык Интерфейса: English
Таблетка: MultiKeygen CRD
Размер файла: 11.06 MB
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Просмотров: 276 | Комментариев: 0 | Категория/раздел: Скачать ИнтернетСкачать софт, программы | Опубликовал: draper2009

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